
Ships transport huge volumes of crude oil and processed petroleum products between points of production, tank farms, refineries, and consumption. Oil exports have traditionally accounted for approximately 30% of global marine trade.

American Logistics transports petroleum products from its tank farms to the destinations indicated by road, rail, or sea.

Handling sensitive commodities like crude oil and its byproducts, edible oils, volatile chemicals, and hazardous/toxic liquids, as well as high-temperature and viscous cargoes, is an art in and of itself.
You may rely on our expertise to guide you until the products reach at their final destination.

By owning and managing VLCCs, American Logistics  has worked hard to become the world’s premier crude oil tanker company. In response to growing international concern about the protection of the maritime environment, we have enhanced our service infrastructure for greater customer satisfaction and employed VLCCs with double hulls and low-sulphur bunkers to reduce ocean pollution.

We offer a wealth of experience and knowledge in marine logistics, customs clearance, and on-transportation via truck, barge, rail, and feeder vessel. We manage these goods flows’ warehousing, inventory, storage (bonded or customs cleared), information, and transportation to their final destination.



We are focused on building a long-term, sustainable business.


A leading company in the supply and storage of oil and petrochemical goods throughout Europe, America, Asia, and everywhere else.

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